Hello Kallithea from pytesters

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 15:08:13 EDT 2015

Hi Marc,

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 5:46 PM, Marc Abramowitz <msabramo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just wanted to say a quick hello. I volunteered for adopt pytest month. I have used pytest (and Tox as well, which I suspect could be useful here) quite a bit for both personal projects and my professional work - i.e.: my current work at SurveyMonkey.
> I'll try to download and try out Kallithea soon (I've never used it), try out the test suite, etc. and see where we might be able to get some wins.

Welcome indeed! I'm excited to get this pytest-adoption started.
My hope is that this is not just one month, which is probably too
short to fix the entire test suite.

To get started, use following instructions to set up an environment:

You can run the existing testsuite from this virtualenv using 'nosetests'.

First step would indeed be to use pytest as test runner instead of
nosetests. On IRC (#kallithea on freenode) Ronny already indicated a
first blocker related to yield tests.

Quick log:
<ronny> patrickdp: atm there is one big pytest side blocker, detailed
nose yield tests are not compatible with pytest yield tests
<ronny> so right now the testsuite runs in a completely broken
setupstate wrt yield tests
<ronny> since the testsuite also uses very detailed checks with
setup/teardown, a moinmoin style workaround (different
collection/execution for generators) is not possible
<ronny> (where not means not without lots of work)
<ronny> im not yet sure of a good strategy to work that out
<patrickdp> ronny: what exactly are 'yield tests' ?
<ronny> patrickdp: yield tests are tests which use a toplevel yield to
yield distinct checks to the test executor

Any ideas to proceed are most definitely welcome here...


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