[PATCH 1 of 2 v4] tests: add as little code as possible in __init__.py

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 19:01:14 UTC 2016

# HG changeset patch
# User Thomas De Schampheleire <thomas.de.schampheleire at gmail.com>
# Date 1474227861 -7200
#      Sun Sep 18 21:44:21 2016 +0200
# Node ID 7e0969f34a4cff5788f4815c7e66c441158666fc
# Parent  59639343672495cb89be54b98f1d6d3a4c44307c
tests: add as little code as possible in __init__.py

kallithea/tests/__init__.py contains quite a lot of code, including the test
base class TestController. This in itself may be considered bad practice.

Specifically, this poses a problem when using pytest 3.0+, in which asserts
in some files are not automatically rewritten to give improved assert
output. That problem can be fixed by explicitly registering such files for
assertion rewriting, but that register call should be executed _before_ said
files are imported. I.e. if the register call is in
kallithea/tests/__init__.py, assert calls in __init__.py itself can not be

Since the TestController base class does effectively contain asserts, and we
do not want to execute the register call from somewhere outside the
kallithea/tests directory, we need to move the TestController class to
another file (kallithea/tests/base.py). The import of that file then needs
to happen _after_ executing the register call.

While not strictly necessary to fix the mentioned pytest problem, we take
the opportunity to fully clean __init__.py and move everything possible to
the new kallithea/tests/base.py. While doing so, unnecessary imports are
removed, and imports are ordered alphabetically. Explicit imports of symbols
from modules that were already imported as a whole, are removed in favor of
fully qualifying the references (e.g. tempfile._RandomNameSequence).

diff --git a/kallithea/tests/__init__.py b/kallithea/tests/__init__.py
--- a/kallithea/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/kallithea/tests/__init__.py
@@ -22,41 +22,10 @@ setup-app`) and provides the base testin
 Refer to docs/contributing.rst for details on running the test suite.
-import os
-import re
-import time
-import logging
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-import tempfile
-from tempfile import _RandomNameSequence
-import pylons
-import pylons.test
-from pylons import config, url
-from pylons.i18n.translation import _get_translator
-from pylons.util import ContextObj
-from routes.util import URLGenerator
-from webtest import TestApp
 import pytest
-from kallithea.lib.compat import unittest
-from kallithea import is_windows
-from kallithea.model.db import Notification, User, UserNotification
-from kallithea.model.meta import Session
-from kallithea.lib.utils2 import safe_str
-os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
-if not is_windows:
-    time.tzset()
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-skipif = pytest.mark.skipif
-parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize
+from kallithea.tests.base import *
 __all__ = [
     'skipif', 'parametrize', 'environ', 'url', 'TestController',
@@ -70,169 +39,3 @@ parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize
-# Invoke websetup with the current config file
-# SetupCommand('setup-app').run([config_file])
-environ = {}
-TESTS_TMP_PATH = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'rc_test_%s' % _RandomNameSequence().next())
-TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN = 'test_admin'
-TEST_USER_ADMIN_EMAIL = 'test_admin at example.com'
-TEST_USER_REGULAR_LOGIN = 'test_regular'
-TEST_USER_REGULAR_EMAIL = 'test_regular at example.com'
-TEST_USER_REGULAR2_LOGIN = 'test_regular2'
-TEST_USER_REGULAR2_EMAIL = 'test_regular2 at example.com'
-HG_REPO = u'vcs_test_hg'
-GIT_REPO = u'vcs_test_git'
-NEW_HG_REPO = u'vcs_test_hg_new'
-NEW_GIT_REPO = u'vcs_test_git_new'
-HG_FORK = u'vcs_test_hg_fork'
-GIT_FORK = u'vcs_test_git_fork'
-## VCS
-SCM_TESTS = ['hg', 'git']
-uniq_suffix = str(int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())))
-GIT_REMOTE_REPO = 'git://github.com/codeinn/vcs.git'
-TEST_GIT_REPO_CLONE = os.path.join(TESTS_TMP_PATH, 'vcsgitclone%s' % uniq_suffix)
-TEST_GIT_REPO_PULL = os.path.join(TESTS_TMP_PATH, 'vcsgitpull%s' % uniq_suffix)
-HG_REMOTE_REPO = 'http://bitbucket.org/marcinkuzminski/vcs'
-TEST_HG_REPO_CLONE = os.path.join(TESTS_TMP_PATH, 'vcshgclone%s' % uniq_suffix)
-TEST_HG_REPO_PULL = os.path.join(TESTS_TMP_PATH, 'vcshgpull%s' % uniq_suffix)
-TEST_DIR = tempfile.gettempdir()
-TEST_REPO_PREFIX = 'vcs-test'
-# cached repos if any !
-# comment out to get some other repos from bb or github
-#skip ldap tests if LDAP lib is not installed
-ldap_lib_installed = False
-    import ldap
-    ldap.API_VERSION
-    ldap_lib_installed = True
-except ImportError:
-    # means that python-ldap is not installed
-    pass
-    import pam
-    pam.PAM_TEXT_INFO
-    pam_lib_installed = True
-except ImportError:
-    pam_lib_installed = False
-def invalidate_all_caches():
-    """Invalidate all beaker caches currently configured.
-    Useful when manipulating IP permissions in a test and changes need to take
-    effect immediately.
-    Note: Any use of this function is probably a workaround - it should be
-    replaced with a more specific cache invalidation in code or test."""
-    from beaker.cache import cache_managers
-    for cache in cache_managers.values():
-        cache.clear()
-class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
-    def emit(self, record):
-        pass
-class TestController(object):
-    """Pytest-style test controller"""
-    # Note: pytest base classes cannot have an __init__ method
-    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
-    def app_fixture(self):
-        self.wsgiapp = pylons.test.pylonsapp
-        self.init_stack(self.wsgiapp.config)
-        self.app = TestApp(self.wsgiapp)
-        self.maxDiff = None
-        self.index_location = config['app_conf']['index_dir']
-        return self.app
-    def init_stack(self, config=None):
-        if not config:
-            config = pylons.test.pylonsapp.config
-        url._push_object(URLGenerator(config['routes.map'], environ))
-        pylons.app_globals._push_object(config['pylons.app_globals'])
-        pylons.config._push_object(config)
-        pylons.tmpl_context._push_object(ContextObj())
-        # Initialize a translator for tests that utilize i18n
-        translator = _get_translator(pylons.config.get('lang'))
-        pylons.translator._push_object(translator)
-        h = NullHandler()
-        logging.getLogger("kallithea").addHandler(h)
-    def remove_all_notifications(self):
-        # query().delete() does not (by default) trigger cascades
-        # ( http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/collections.html#passive-deletes )
-        # so delete the UserNotification first to ensure referential integrity.
-        UserNotification.query().delete()
-        Notification.query().delete()
-        Session().commit()
-    def log_user(self, username=TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN,
-                 password=TEST_USER_ADMIN_PASS):
-        self._logged_username = username
-        response = self.app.post(url(controller='login', action='index'),
-                                 {'username': username,
-                                  'password': password})
-        if 'Invalid username or password' in response.body:
-            pytest.fail('could not login using %s %s' % (username, password))
-        assert response.status == '302 Found'
-        self.assert_authenticated_user(response, username)
-        response = response.follow()
-        return response.session['authuser']
-    def _get_logged_user(self):
-        return User.get_by_username(self._logged_username)
-    def assert_authenticated_user(self, response, expected_username):
-        cookie = response.session.get('authuser')
-        user = cookie and cookie.get('user_id')
-        user = user and User.get(user)
-        user = user and user.username
-        assert user == expected_username
-    def authentication_token(self):
-        return self.app.get(url('authentication_token')).body
-    def checkSessionFlash(self, response, msg=None, skip=0, _matcher=lambda msg, m: msg in m):
-        if 'flash' not in response.session:
-            pytest.fail(safe_str(u'msg `%s` not found - session has no flash:\n%s' % (msg, response)))
-        try:
-            level, m = response.session['flash'][-1 - skip]
-            if _matcher(msg, m):
-                return
-        except IndexError:
-            pass
-        pytest.fail(safe_str(u'msg `%s` not found in session flash (skipping %s): %s' %
-                           (msg, skip,
-                            ', '.join('`%s`' % m for level, m in response.session['flash']))))
-    def checkSessionFlashRegex(self, response, regex, skip=0):
-        self.checkSessionFlash(response, regex, skip=skip, _matcher=re.search)
diff --git a/kallithea/tests/__init__.py b/kallithea/tests/base.py
copy from kallithea/tests/__init__.py
copy to kallithea/tests/base.py
--- a/kallithea/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/kallithea/tests/base.py
@@ -12,43 +12,26 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Pylons application test package
-This package assumes the Pylons environment is already loaded.
-This module initializes the application via ``websetup`` (`paster
-setup-app`) and provides the base testing objects.
-Refer to docs/contributing.rst for details on running the test suite.
+import datetime
+import logging
 import os
+import pytest
 import re
+import tempfile
 import time
-import logging
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-import tempfile
-from tempfile import _RandomNameSequence
 import pylons
-import pylons.test
 from pylons import config, url
 from pylons.i18n.translation import _get_translator
 from pylons.util import ContextObj
 from routes.util import URLGenerator
 from webtest import TestApp
-import pytest
-from kallithea.lib.compat import unittest
 from kallithea import is_windows
 from kallithea.model.db import Notification, User, UserNotification
 from kallithea.model.meta import Session
 from kallithea.lib.utils2 import safe_str
 os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
 if not is_windows:
@@ -58,19 +41,6 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 skipif = pytest.mark.skipif
 parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize
-__all__ = [
-    'skipif', 'parametrize', 'environ', 'url', 'TestController',
-    'ldap_lib_installed', 'pam_lib_installed', 'invalidate_all_caches',
 # Invoke websetup with the current config file
 # SetupCommand('setup-app').run([config_file])
@@ -78,7 +48,7 @@ environ = {}
-TESTS_TMP_PATH = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'rc_test_%s' % _RandomNameSequence().next())
+TESTS_TMP_PATH = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'rc_test_%s' % tempfile._RandomNameSequence().next())
 TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN = 'test_admin'
 TEST_USER_ADMIN_EMAIL = 'test_admin at example.com'

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