Thanks for helping us meet our extended match!

info at info at
Mon Jan 16 21:07:03 UTC 2023

            Thanks for helping us meet our extended match!
           $156,730.91 raised after extended match challenge


Social Media:

Thanks to SFC's incredible base of Sustainers and supporters, our original
fundraising match goal of $104,759 was met in just over a month, and we
quickly met an extended goal of an additional $12,030 — for a total of
$116,989 matched and $156,730.91 contributed by you! Thanks to your
sustaining contributions to our organization, we'll be able to continue the
community driven work we have become known for. **Our commitment to software
rights and freedom remains as strong and ever. This support from individual
contributors empowers and motivates us for the year to come.**

This fundraising season has been incredibly uplifting for us to see that
even in tough economic years, our donors continue to believe in the
initiatives, advocacy and projects that we fund, develop and support. 

This year has marked a lot of growth and progress for us: SFC has raised,
administered and/or facilitated $1.7 million to directly support free
software for the second year in a row. Through these efforts of sustainable
FOSS funding, we are working with users, developers and communities to grow
and expand the reach of software freedom for all. Outreachy [0] — on track
to complete their 1000th intern (we'll reach our “kilo-intern” as one
Sustainer called it during our special video chat session 😂️). The Institute
for Computing in Research [1] expanded to its third city this year with
plans for expanding further! Denver Gingerich was appointed our first
Director of Compliance [2]; Denver now leads our compliance work — including
his continuing work for the past year to integrate copyleft compliance (the
right to software repair) within the larger Right to Repair community. In
2023, we will bring a large, international FOSS event back to Portland,
Oregon, USA — as we organize our conference, FOSSY [3] — July 13-16th 2023!

Thank you again for supporting our organization. Thank you for empowering
our software freedom advocacy, development and diversity efforts. We are so
excited to continue to pursue that passion and mission — thanks to your
generous contributions.


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