[ContractPatch] example contract at my previous job

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli GNUtoo at no-log.org
Thu Dec 24 15:44:53 UTC 2020

Thanks for that contribution.

On Wed, 23 Dec 2020 13:57:49 -0500
Antoine Beaupré <anarcat at debian.org> wrote:
>  5. Any work (software, documentation, draft, report) produced for the
>     contract's duration, for koumbit or one of its clients, remains
>     property of the worker, but must be available under a
>     GPLv2-compatible license, as stated by the FSF
I'm not aware of what koumbit does, so I don't know the context.

Here are some suggestions for improvement with a broader context in
> Any work (software, documentation, draft, report) produced for the
> contract's duration, for <company> or one of its clients, remains
> property of the worker, but must be available under a free license,
The idea behind using 'free license' instead of free software license
is because not free licenses are meant for software. For instance
there are free licenses for databases, physical objects etc.
> as stated by the FSF.

> When the work is a modification (for instance a patch) to an existing
> project that is under free software license(s), the work must also be
> made available under free license(s) that don't prevent the
> modification from being accepted in the upstream project.
The last part covers cases where you are free to use whatever license
you want in some areas of the code. For instance Nuttx (an operating
system for microcontrollers) accepts applications under any free
license whereas patches for the operating system itself have to be in
the same license than the operating system license.

PS: This mail is under the CC-0 license, so that people could reuse my

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