GitHub alternatives for projects with compliance requirements

Adrian Edwards photoace12 at
Wed Jul 13 21:23:58 UTC 2022

Hello all,

Given the the GiveUpGitHub campaign page asks the most 
comfortably-situated large projects to give up GitHub first, I was 
wondering if there were any FOSS options out there to provide some 
competition for GitLab for enterprises with compliance requirements that 
they have to meet, such as SOC2, ISO 27001, ISO 13485/QMS .etc. I have 
heard about these kinds of standards in recent StackOverflow podcasts 
and am curious if there are options for companies that want to support 
free and open software but don't have the ability to choose freedom and 
openness at the expense of regulatory compliance.

Is it just a choice between GitHub and GitLab at this stage or are there 
other options?


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