Remove Sourcehut from recommendations

hf hf at
Sun Oct 20 15:22:49 UTC 2024

in your recommendations on GiveUpGitHub you list sourcehut as alternative:

Sourcehut claims to be FOSS, but it factually isn't, since there is no way to even
build it yourself.
There is documentation on how to install it - as binaries - on Alpine Linux only -
by installing their own binary repostory - a repository that wants to have the
highest priority in the system and modifies other packages for unknown reasons
with undocumented patches:
It even tells you openly not do build and package it yourself.

There is also the problem of the only maintainer being a problematic person
who demanded to forcefully inject IUDs in the wombs of 14 year old girls and
who moderates multiple lolicon communities.

Please consider if it is worth supporting this.
Especially when we have actually free software like gitea and gitlab doing a better job
and actually encouraging to self-host.

I heard the SFC is funding them as well and that people within the SFC like Jason Self
are supportive of Drew and his statements. This is highly questionable.


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