Sources and contributions

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Tue Sep 9 15:49:46 EDT 2014

On 09/09/2014 06:23 PM, Mick van der Most van Spijk wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed Kallithea and I was very surprised of the mature nature. 
> Although it is version 0.1 is looks very good.


To be fair, a lot of what Kallithea is now is based on the GPL parts of 
RhodeCode we forked from. We have however improved a lot on top of that 
and hope other users will continue to contribute a lot of other good stuff.

> I want to manage my repositories via SSH and that seems to be a 
> problem, besides any documentation on the project besides installing 
> Kallithea is very slim. I tried to find a way to check out sources and 
> contribute by making SSH repositories possible.

Some awesome community members are working on ssh support - see 
. I haven't tried it yet, but you can help out by testing it and 
verifying that it also works for your usecase. Right now I prefer to 
keep Kallithea stable and compatible with RhodeCode and is thus a bit 
hesitant to push forward on major features like this, but positive 
feedback could help moving it forward.

> How should i proceed in contributing on code and documentation?

The documentation could also easily be improved. Some simple copy 
editing could help a lot and do not require much experience. 
Documentation of usage and installation and administration and 
development might require more experience ... but writing while learning 
also helps ensuring the documentation really covers the essentials ;-)

Some brief guidelines for contribution can currently be found on .


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