Kill RST

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at
Mon Mar 2 10:12:09 EST 2015


The subject should be non-ambiguous but let me add a little more body
to it: currently comments and pull request descriptions are parsed as
RST (restructured text). From my perspective (and that of several
others) this is counterproductive and not necessary:

- when typing a comment or PR description, the fact that newlines are
not preserved because deemed unimportant by RST is counter-intuitive
and above all annoying

- having to remember how your plain text would be parsed by RST and
having to work around this explicitly is counterproductive.

- the average user does not need the features RST provides.

So as far as I'm concerned, RST can be removed entirely.
The same has been done in Unity's tree with commit

However, I assume that some other people will find this too harsh, so
we can think of compromises, for example:

- let a global per-project or per-repo setting define whether RST is
used for either comments, pull request descriptions, both, or neither.


- add a per-comment option that allows/disallows RST, so the user
himself can decide whether he wants or does not want formatting.

There may be other alternatives, so please share your thoughts.
Of course, if there is a consensus to disable RST altogether, then all
the better :-)


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