[PATCH] pullrequests: add support for custom pull request id prefix

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Mon Apr 20 17:35:03 EDT 2015

On 04/20/2015 05:55 AM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 6:16 PM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com> wrote:

>> I would probably take a patch that moved the hardcoded # naming to a method
>> on the PullRequest db model, similar to how we have .url . It would be very
>> much like the existing .pull_request_id field so perhaps name it .nice_id?
> Shouldn't it be symmetrical: pull_request_nice_id or something like that?

Probably ... but that is a long name and I'm lazy ;-)

Right ...

>> It is a bit weird that Kallithea pull request numbers are global. Especially
>> in a site that is hosting repos for multiple independent users, it would
>> make sense to have per repo numbering. Would that solve your case? Will your
>> repos in the different instances be named differently?
> No, the different instances would operate on the same repositories
> with the same names (note that we're not using Kallithea for repo
> hosting, it is a mirror).

Using it as a mirror is fine ... but having multiple independent 
instances does not seem like something I can recommend. It would make 
more sense to have multiple servers on the same database in some 
failover loadbalancing setup.

> Also, global IDs have the benefit of being completely standalone. If
> we have per-repo IDs, I cannot tell you 'look at pull request 5',
> because I would have to tell you which repo to look in.

In general I think it is a good thing to have to specify which repo a PR 
is for.

Your case of multiple series for the same repo with the same numbering 
scheme ... that is just ... no! Just say no! ;-)

Anyway, I think you can do what you want with some upstreamed 
refactorings and some system for monkeypatching extensions.


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