pytest adoption: current status (beginning of May)

Marc Abramowitz msabramo at
Wed May 6 17:25:16 EDT 2015

Also, and the following doesn't require installing any plugins:

py.test -r fEsxXw

That looks pretty unintelligible but basically you're telling the -r
(report) option what to display more info about. Do `pytest --help` and
look at the documentation for -r and it shows you what all those letters

If you want this to be the default whenever running `py.test`, you can set
it in pytest.ini or set an environment variable. See

One of the projects that I work on has a pytest.ini that looks like this:

norecursedirs = build docs/_build SQLAlchemy* .* stuff venv *.egg .tox
addopts =
    # --verbose
    --tb short
    # --capture no
    # show extra test summary info as specified by chars (f)ailed,
(E)error, (s)skipped, (x)failed, (X)passed.
    # --junitxml=junit.xml
    # --cov=pymssql --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term-missing
markers =
    slow: Mark a pymssql test as slow (usually taking more one second or
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