[PATCH] backout "pullrequests: don't add automatic 'status change' message - it will be added in template"

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Thu Jun 18 17:20:50 EDT 2015

On 06/17/2015 07:40 AM, Jan Heylen wrote:
> What I also wanted to say is that the original change is most probably
> not the issue, it just triggers an underlying issue...

Yeah, the issue were elsewhere. Thanks for pointing in the right direction!

> My 5 cents in solving it:
> * It is not the first time I was thinking this: a for loop over a an
> object that is a NoneType should not go wrong in this way.

I disagree. I think iteration over None should fail. It is a serious 
type error and the sooner that can be caught, the better.


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