ldap to kallithea sync

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Mon Jul 20 22:59:51 UTC 2015

On 07/19/2015 07:31 PM, Michal Hlavac wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote simple synchronizer of ldap users and groups to kallithea 
> database. You can find sources on github:
> https://github.com/hlavki/kallithea-ldap-sync
> It's written in java and you can run it in 'dry' mode (no changes 
> written). But be aware to not use production database for tests.
> If you have any question, feel free to ask

This seems very useful.

It could perhaps be more useful with some additional documentation 
describing what problem it solves, how it solves it ... and how it is run.

Looking at the example, I wonder what strategy it uses to handle 
conflicts between groups created in LDAP and groups created in 
Kallithea, and how it handles conflicts between changes from LDAP 
changes and changes in Kallithea.

Also, how about using usernames and group names in the configuration 
instead of IDs?

You can perhaps contribute a patch to the Kallithea documentation 
mentioning your tool.

Ultimately, it would be nice to get it reimplemented in Python so we 
could ship it with Kallithea.

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