Issue #156: get_repos JSON-RPC method is incorrectly documented (conservancy/kallithea)

Brandon Jones issues-reply at
Thu Sep 10 23:57:08 UTC 2015

New issue 156: get_repos JSON-RPC method is incorrectly documented

Brandon Jones:

I have a .NET wrapper around the JSON-RPC API for Kallithea.  While performing some testing, I noticed that what is being returned for the get_repos command is formatted differently than is documented.

Here is what is documented...


            "repo_id" :          "<repo_id>",
            "repo_name" :        "<reponame>"
            "repo_type" :        "<repo_type>",
            "clone_uri" :        "<clone_uri>",
            "private": :         "<bool>",
            "created_on" :       "<datetimecreated>",
            "description" :      "<description>",
            "landing_rev":       "<landing_rev>",
            "owner":             "<repo_owner>",
            "fork_of":           "<name_of_fork_parent>",
            "enable_downloads":  "<bool>",
            "enable_locking":    "<bool>",
            "enable_statistics": "<bool>",

Here is what is being returned...


            "repo_type" :        "<repo_type>",
            "repo_type" :        "<repo_type>",
            "description" :      "<description>",
            "private" :          "<bool>",
            "last_changeset": {
              "raw_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
              "short_id": "000000000000",
              "author": "",
              "date": "1969-12-31T19:00:00",
              "message": "",
              "revision": -1
            "created_on" :       "<datetimecreated>",
            "fork_of":           "<name_of_fork_parent>",
            "enable_locking":    "<bool>",
            "owner":             "<repo_owner>",
            "locked_date":     null,
            "landing_rev": [
            "enable_downloads":  "<bool>",
            "enable_statistics": "<bool>",
            "locked_by": null,
            "clone_uri" :        "<clone_uri>",

last_changeset, locked_date, landing_rev, and locked_by are all new or changed outputs.

I have not had errors with any other methods, but it is possible they also have additional data in them that is not documented.

Am I missing something here?

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