Issue #160: CodeMirror modeurl wrong when using proxy prefix config (conservancy/kallithea)

sambasama issues-reply at
Thu Sep 17 18:42:56 UTC 2015

New issue 160: CodeMirror modeurl wrong when using proxy prefix config



I have Kallithea using similar configuration as in issue #159.
I have set a prefix configuration and I'm using apache as reverse proxy for Kallithea:


use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
prefix = /kallithea
Every time I add or edit gists or files and try to select the CodeMirror editor language (for ex go lang)
I see a request sent to: https://{domain}/codemirror/mode/go/go.js.
It should be: https://{domain}/kallithea/codemirror/mode/go/go.js

I think this change has something to do with the problem:

So this results in syntax highlighting not working / loading for selected language.

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