Login not working when load balancing over multiple Kallithea Instances

Søren Løvborg sorenl at unity3d.com
Wed Jan 13 09:43:53 UTC 2016

In this context, the name "app_instance_uuid" might be a bit confusing
(the name is traditional).

In Kallithea, app_instance_uuid is a per-application ("per-cluster",
if you will) secret, and should be the same across instances, but
unique to a given Kallithea site/installation (and kept secret).

It's used as a secret key for protecting the integrity of password
reset tokens (among other things?). In a freshly generated config
file, it's identical to the value of "beaker.session.secret", which is
similarly used to protect the integrity of cookies.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:10 AM, Robert Rauch
<robert.rauch at gns-systems.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 13.01.2016 um 00:17 schrieb Mads Kiilerich:
>> Are the config files completely the same except instance_id - including
>> beaker.session.secret?
> Of course not :). Just merged them and it worked like a charm. Thanks!
> By the way, what is the technical meaning of the `app_instance_uuid`
> setting?
> Robert
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