TurboGears and Bootstrap and Alembic

Alessandro Molina alessandro.molina at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 14:39:22 UTC 2016

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Nice to see the progress on the more-than-just-a-proof-of-concept!
> I wonder ... does TurboGears "best practice" have anything to say on the
> other things we have on the "roadmap":
> Front end wise, we want to start using Bootstrap (and get rid of YUI and
> just use jQuery).

Well newly quickstarted projects in TG are Bootstrap3 based. But that's
just a matter of the default project skeleton and the theme provided by the
As Kallithea doesn't use TGAdmin the CSS framework would not get much in
your way.

What I feel like suggesting is that you might want to consider something
like Ractive.js ( http://www.ractivejs.org/ ) for front-end, it's pretty
self contained and can easily be used along side jQuery to manage
javascript updates in a far less invasive way than solutions like Angular
or React, in my experience it often provides a quick benefit without being
a burden in the toolchain.

> On the back end we need a (better) database migration solution and are
> considering Alembic.

TG by itself provides "gearbox migrate" command which is based on Alembic (
http://turbogears.readthedocs.org/en/latest/turbogears/migrations.html )
But it's mostly a preconfigured alembic environment that loads
configuration from .ini files and app_cfg instead of having to manage
multiple alembic environments.

Relying on it would probably require to make some changes in the way
database and Session are initialised as currently I made so that DB support
in TG is nearly disabled and models and session are manually configured.
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