Fwd: Error when registering a user with a non ASCII character

Angel Ezquerra angel.ezquerra at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 12:24:35 UTC 2016

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 1:48 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire
<patrickdepinguin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Angel Ezquerra
> <angel.ezquerra at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Thomas De Schampheleire
>> <patrickdepinguin at gmail.com> wrote:
> [..]
>>>> what is the best way to use a non released kallithea version?
>>>> Currently I have Kallithea 0.3 which I installed via pip. Can I simply
>>>> take the site-packages/kallithea directory that pip installed and
>>>> replace it with the kallithea source code repo? Can I then simply
>>>> update the repo to the head of default? Won't there be any problems
>>>> with any of the dependencies?
>>> The recommended installation method is described here:
>>> http://kallithea.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html
>>> The title says 'Unix/Linux' but in fact I think the principle should
>>> be the same in Windows.
>>> (change stable to default)
>>> hg clone https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea -u stable
>>> cd kallithea
>>> virtualenv ../kallithea-venv
>>> source ../kallithea-venv/bin/activate
>>> pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
>>> python2 setup.py develop
>>> python2 setup.py compile_catalog   # for translation of the UI
>> I didn't need to do the last two steps when I installed on windows.
>> The process was quite different (I basically just had to do pip
>> install kallithea).
>>> If you already have a virtualenv with kallithea installed via pip, I
>>> think you should do the following:
>>> - clone the repo and update to the desired branch
>> Where should I place the clone? Should it replace my current
>> site-packages/kallithea directory?
> No, it should go to any place you like but not that one :) (it should
> not overwrite anything). It can be outside the virtualenv, no problem
> (probably this is even recommended so that you can remove the
> virtualenv without issue).
>>> - from inside your virtualenv, run 'python2 setup.py develop' from the
>>> kallithea repo.
>> Can you tell me what does that do?
> I'm no python setuptools expert myself, but it apparently checks
> whether all dependencies of the package (kallithea in this case) are
> met, if not they are resolved with pip, and then does some magic with
> an egg file so that the version from the sources is used inside the
> virtualenv, rather than any pip-installed version you had before.
> See also https://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/setuptools.html#develop-deploy-the-project-source-in-development-mode
>>> - same with compile_catalog
>>> I suggest you try it out first on a test location if you are already
>>> running in production.
>> Of course. Thank you!
> Good luck :)
> Perhaps it could be a good idea to extend the manual to clarify users
> how they can switch from a pip-installation to a source installation.
> Patches are welcome :)
> Thanks,
> Thomas

I just tried this with the head of the default branch and I did not
get an error. Going back to version 0.3 I got the error again. So this
seems fixed!



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