[PATCH] changeset: add filename derived anchors to file diffs (and use them)

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Thu Feb 25 17:51:27 UTC 2016

On 02/25/2016 06:19 PM, Angel Ezquerra wrote:
> ...

Great. I hope the discussion helped getting the "right" and "best under 
the circumstances" solution. If not, let's wake a bit and take a step 
back and look at it again.

It is not technically possible to use the "obvious" solution of using 
the filename as id. If you really want to just be able to use 
url#filename , then perhaps compute the FID in javascript from 
window.location.hash after page load and set window.location.href - a 
bit like it is done in 
kallithea/templates/pullrequests/pullrequest_show.html .


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