Markdown support

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Tue Mar 1 12:53:38 UTC 2016

On 03/01/2016 01:26 PM, Angel Ezquerra wrote:
> It is true that markdown is not particularly suited for source code.
> It is all too easy to accidentally underline or make a variable name
> or part of an expression bold. Normally this is solved by using code
> blocks (i.e. ~~~) but still, I wonder if perhaps a better solution
> would be to only ,allow some safe subset of Markdown (e.g. to make
> lists, titles, and so on).

Yet another markdown variant - just what the world needs! ;-)

I doubt there is any sane & easy subset of markdown that will be "safe" 
for people discussing source code. But fine if it works for you and is 
optional ;-)

But IMO, if we really want to make it easy to make fancy markup, we 
should use a wysiwyg editor - perhaps with automatic recognition of 
markdown-ish syntax.


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