Status of tests on Windows

Konstantin Veretennicov kveretennicov at
Sun Mar 13 22:59:29 UTC 2016


FYI, I've set up an AppVeyor build, to keep an eye on project's health
(we plan to use Kallithea on Windows). You can see build results here:

"Console" view should explain what's going on, but in a nutshell it
installs Kallithea from "default" and runs pytest. The real stinker is
installing pywin32 non-interactively (some tests were blowing up in
dulwich due to missing win32pipe). I still wonder if I should have
used pip-installable pypiwin32 instead of pywin32, but it's not
"official" Kallithea config, so I didn't.

By the way, it looks like some tests are flaky: number of failures
varies even if building same revision again - compare builds 40+. But
otherwise test pass rate is quite impressive!


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