Turbogears2 migration: paging failures in changelog

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Mon Jul 18 21:47:59 UTC 2016

On 07/18/2016 09:27 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
> Can you clarify in more detail how you set up your virtualenv?
> I used 'pip install -e .' now, when I look in the virtualenv I do see
> .py files for e.g. routes, webhelpers, ... Still I am not seeing such
> a traceback. That missing piece of information is crucial in analyzing
> this and other problems, so I really want to understand what is
> different between your setup and mine.

I can reproduce with:

hg up -cr a223a7c4f0ab
hg purge --all
virtualenv .hg/venv
. .hg/venv/bin/activate
pip install mercurial
python setup.py develop
cp ../kallithea.db .
paster serve development.ini

- and I get a nice stack trace on stdout from the paster serve process.

(In this testing, I don't see any problems with using pip.)

> About the FIXME, I do not know why. Have you tried calling the
> baseclass __init__?

I just hacked around a bit. I agree that would be a better fix ... but 
it also requires digging out what good and bad reasons there are for 
doing it that way. That is just a bigger task.


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