access from another pc

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at
Sun Jul 24 20:17:04 UTC 2016


On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Saz <s4saz at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Kallithea serving hg repos on one pc.
> how can I clone from another pc on same local network?

Sorry for the late reply, has your problem been solved meanwhile?

To clone a repository from Kallithea from another pc, you need to know
the hostname/domain of the server (if that information is exposed) or
its IP address (see ifconfig). Then you can access the Kallithea web
instance via the URL http://host.domain:port or http://ip-address:port
(where port defaults to 5000 but can be configured in the
configuration file (my.ini or however you called it).
The same URL is used as the base URL for cloning, e.g. in the below
example '' is the domain of the server and 'foorepo' is the
name of the repository you want to clone:

hg clone

If I misunderstand your question or setup, please give more details.

Best regards,

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