Kallithea doesn't populate profile from LDAP

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 10:10:04 UTC 2016


On Sep 2, 2016 10:19, "Sergejczyk Wasil" <szelga at yandex.ru> wrote:
> I have Win2008R2 AD as LDAP server and I'm trying to setup Kallithea
using LDAP authentication.
> I've managed to setup the authentication by setting base DN to an empty
string, the problem is that Kallithea doesn't populate user profiles and
groups from LDAP. The settings are:
> First Name Attribute: First Name Attribute
> Last Name Attribute: sn
> Email Attribute: mail
> (pretty much default settings)
> The logs don't help much:
>> 2016-09-02 12:30:24.256 INFO  [kallithea.lib.auth_modules]
Authenticating user using kallithea.lib.auth_modules.auth_ldap plugin
>> 2016-09-02 12:30:24.326 INFO  [kallithea.lib.auth_modules.auth_ldap]
user username authenticated correctly
>> 2016-09-02 12:30:24.518 INFO  [kallithea.lib.base] user username is now
authenticated and stored in session, session attrs {'is_authenticated':
True, 'is_external_auth': False, 'user_id': 5}
> I have a django site using python-ldap and django-auth-ldap with the same
LDAP server and the same attributes settings and it works as it should.
> What can I do to troubleshoot this problem?

I am trying to understand the problem: from the log it looks like the user
is effectively logged in, is that correct?
But when you look in the database, the user is not present, not is it in
the Admin > Users section?

As far as I know, is_external_auth should be True for LDAP (is reported
False in your log).

I suggest raising the Kallithea log level to DEBUG, in your ini file near
the bottom, to see if more useful clues appear there.

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