Turbogears2 migration: tests: "cannot import name meta"

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Sun Sep 25 14:49:49 UTC 2016

On 09/25/2016 04:37 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com> wrote:
>>> (It should thus perhaps not be in lib but in model?)
>> I think the web framework, like tg2 does, may expect helpers to be in lib.
>> We can tell it about another location, but I don't know if that's worth it.
>> Hmm. That suggests that my idea of lib as low level and model as more high
>> level doesn't work. That model perhaps should be considered an internal part
>> of lib ... or something like that.
> In a traditional MVC model-view-controller split, 'model' is one of
> the three pillars. In that view, I think it shouldn't be 'stuffed
> away' in lib.
> I don't know if you should try to put model and lib on the same scale.
> I think they are in some way orthogonal, especially things like
> lib.{helpers,utils}. For me, the core of 'model' is the definition of
> the data model, thus the database tables, and perhaps very related
> set-up code.
> 'lib' is currently (but maybe logically) a 'trashbin', a collection of
> code that does not really fit elsewhere, but can be considered
> 'libraries', i.e. each being standalone and doing some job that helps
> someone else. 'utils'/'helpers' is even more a trashbin collection
> that did not even fit in logically named files.

Does that mean that lib neither is "below" nor "above" model but it is 
ok that they have mutual dependencies? That seems unfortunate.

While I agree that the model is special and "very different", I still 
think we have to decide whether it is below or above lib. Or perhaps lib 
should be split up in low and high level parts.

It also sounds like your investigation and experiments show a different 
than my initial idea. Great! :-)


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