Kallithea 0.3.99, Celery, Rabbitmq DisabledBackend object has no attribute '_get_task_meta_for'

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 14:12:53 UTC 2018

Hi Mat,

2018-08-03 22:41 GMT+02:00 Matey Chopov <matey.chopov at ca.abb.com>:
> Hi guys,
> We decided recently to implement on our Kallithea 0.3.99 test instance
> celery and rabbitmq.
> Everything seems to work fine, as celery is able to connect to the rabbitmq
> server, but there’s one issue that I cannot resolve for some reason.
> When Celery is enabled in the Kallithea my.ini file and we create a new repo
> via the Kallithea web interface we get to the “Repository is being created”
> page, but then we get the following error message:
> “We’re sorry but error occurred during this operation …”
> The repository is being created even when the Kallithea web interface throws
> that error and it does work fine after, but in the Kallithea log I get a
> trace exception :
> “AttributeError: ‘DisabledBackend’ object has no attribute
> ‘_get_task_meta_for’
> I have uploaded the full trace on pastebin here:
> https://pastebin.com/gSK4VG20
> I read that it may be related to how the rabbitmq server is configured, so I
> messed with it, but couldn’t still resolve the issue.
> We are running a default install of Kallithea 0.3.99 with sqlite and
> waitress.
> My Celery config in the my.ini file is the following:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> use_celery = true
> celeryd.log.level = DEBUG
> celeryd.log.file = /mnt/data/celeryd.log
> ## Example: connect to the virtual host 'rabbitmqhost' on localhost as
> rabbitmq:
> broker.url = amqp://kallithea:kallitheapass@localhost:5672/vkallithea
> celery.imports = kallithea.lib.celerylib.tasks
> celery.accept.content = pickle
> celery.result.backend = amqp
> celery.result.dburi = amqp://
> celery.result.serialier = json
> #celery.send.task.error.emails = true
> #celery.amqp.task.result.expires = 18000
> celeryd.concurrency = 2
> celeryd.max.tasks.per.child = 1
> ## If true, tasks will never be sent to the queue, but executed locally
> instead.
> celery.always.eager = false
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Would you have any clue what could be the issue here?

I haven't seen this issue before.
Which exact version of Kallithea are you using, could you obtain the
Mercurial revision, using 'hg version' from the Kallithea source

Could you post the contents of 'pip freeze' too, to see the versions
of celery etc.

Which version of rabbitmq are you using?

Best regards,

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