Kallithea 0.4.1 released

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Wed May 22 11:11:08 UTC 2019


We are pleased to announce Kallithea 0.4.1, a stable bugfix release including
fixes for security issues.
Please upgrade your Kallithea instances as soon as possible.

Full release notes, including a summary of changes, are available at:

Other resources:
PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/Kallithea/0.4.1/
Documentation: https://kallithea.readthedocs.io/en/0.4.1/

We would like to thank everyone that contributed to the Kallithea repository
since release 0.4.0 (the numbers are the amount of commits)...

    22 Thomas De Schampheleire
     5 Mads Kiilerich
     1 Allan Nordhøy
     1 ssantos
     1 Wolfgang Scherer
     1 Étienne Gilli

... as well as everyone contributing in other ways, e.g. by reporting issues,
discussing via mail or IRC, etc.

A special thanks to Bob Hogg (wombat at rwhogg.site) for finding and reporting
another security issue.

Best regards,
Mads and Thomas

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