Issue #349: Setup failed at front-end-build (conservancy/kallithea)

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Tue Nov 19 12:03:42 UTC 2019

On 11/18/19 5:10 PM, Nicolas Pinault wrote:
> I've had a similar problem when I tried to upgrade one of my my 
> Kallithea instance from V 0.3.3 to V 0.4.1.
> My server is a RaspberryPi running Raspian jessie.
> I've found that Raspian version was too old. With a newer version of 
> Raspian (buster), it works. (I tried on another RaspberryPi with a 
> fresh Raspian install).

Did you figure out which part of it was too old? It is probably not 
feasible to (correctly) enumerate all "supported" OS versions, but we 
can perhaps specify/check individual components.


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