Issue #373: Version 0.6.0: beaker.exceptions.BeakerException: Cache region not configured: long_term_file (conservancy/kallithea)

austin_collier issues-reply at
Wed May 20 15:30:48 UTC 2020

New issue 373: Version 0.6.0: beaker.exceptions.BeakerException: Cache region not configured: long_term_file

Austin Collier:

I ran into this upgrading to the new 0.6.0 version from 0.5.2. Whenever I would load a repo page I’d get a 500 error and the following would happen:

`beaker.exceptions.BeakerException: Cache region not configured: long_term_file`

I created a brand new config from `kallithea-cli` and I still had this error. I fixed it by doing the following in my config file \(which should probably be added to the default config\)

# change this line from
beaker.cache.regions = short_term,long_term,sql_cache_short
# to
beaker.cache.regions = short_term,long_term,long_term_file,sql_cache_short

# and add
beaker.cache.long_term_file.type = file
beaker.cache.long_term_file.expire = 36000
beaker.cache.long_term_file.key_length = 256
#beaker.cache.long_term_file.data_dir = /opt/kallithea-cache/cache
#beaker.cache.long_term_file.lock_dir = /opt/kallithea-cache/lock


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