Unable to connect to WSGI daemon process

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Mon Aug 3 17:53:43 UTC 2020

On 8/2/20 9:03 PM, Louis Bertrand wrote:
> Yes, we are using WSGI to manage Kallithea, on Ubuntu server 18.04.4 LTS with Apache2.


(Kallithea is a WSGI application, so everybody has to use WSGI. The 
important point here is that you are using mod_wsgi.)

> The mod-wsgi that we are using (from apt list):
> libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3/bionic-updates,now 4.5.17-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]
> We got the configuration option from the WSGI documentation:
> https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/configuration-directives/WSGIDaemonProcess.html

This hints that it could be related to using Apache PrivilegesMode ... 
which is experimental and Solaris only, so I assume that isn't the case.

Then it hints that you might be using other third party Apache modules. 
Is that the case?

Your problem seems a bit like 
... but evidently different.

I can see your problem and solution are similar to 
... but before recommending your solution, I would still like to 
understand why you have the problem when others doesn't.

> Generally our server configuration matches what you recommend in the installation documentation:
>          WSGIDaemonProcess       kallithea processes=5 threads=1 maximum-requests=100 lang=en_US.utf8 user=hg group=hg socket-user=hg python-home=/srv/web/sites/hg.set.durhamcollege.org/kallithea-venv
>          WSGIProcessGroup        kallithea
>          WSGIScriptAlias /       /srv/web/sites/hg.set.durhamcollege.org/kallithea/dispatch.wsgi
>          WSGIPassAuthorization   On

Ok, so the problem and scenario might be related to using `user=hg 
group=hg` ... which (in some cases?) seems to need a corresponding 
`socket-user=hg`. https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi/issues/137 
suggest that it only is relevant in some odd setups and shouldn't be a 
general advice.

Our setup documentation could perhaps be changed to say:

   If you want to have the repositories
   owned by a different user, use the ``user`` and ``group`` options to
   WSGIDaemonProcess to set the name of the user and group.
   It might also be necessary to set ``socket-user``.

(but a bit unsatisfying to give such a vague hint in the documentation.)

> The dispatch script is:
>      import os
>      os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/srv/web/sites/hg.set.durhamcollege.org/kallithea/.egg-cache'
>      os.chdir('/srv/web/sites/hg.set.durhamcollege.org/kallithea/')
>      import site
>      site.addsitedir("/srv/web/sites/hg.set.durhamcollege.org/kallithea-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages")
>      ini = '/srv/web/sites/hg.set.durhamcollege.org/kallithea/my.ini'
>      from logging.config import fileConfig
>      fileConfig(ini, {'__file__': ini, 'here': '/srv/web/sites/hg.set.durhamcollege.org/kallithea'})
>      from paste.deploy import loadapp
>      application = loadapp('config:' + ini)

Thanks for sharing. That allow me to get a bit off topic:

It annoys me that our documenation mention two different WSGI dispatch 
scripts. I wondered why you use the (in my opinion) less elegant one. 
But I realize activate_this.py isn't available when using python3 -m venv .

Based on 
, I guess we should advice using python-home=/srv/kallithea/venv (as 
already you do) and stop mentioning the venv in the wsgi dispatch script.

Also, I guess PYTHON_EGG_CACHE no longer is needed with py3?

I currently don't use mod_wsgi myself. Can you help verify if your 
dispatch script works without these?


> From: Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com>
> Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2020 4:49 PM
> To: Louis Bertrand; Kallithea
> Subject: Re: Unable to connect to WSGI daemon process
> On 7/31/20 4:37 PM, Louis Bertrand wrote:
>> There was a disconnect between Apache and the Kallithea WSGI daemon process. The WSGI daemon was unable to read the socket. The exact error message in Apache's logs/ssl-errors is
>> [Thu Jul 30 17:52:34.396927 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 10169] (13)Permission denied: [client 216.blahblah:58674] mod_wsgi (pid=10169): Unable to connect to WSGI daemon process 'kallithea' on '/var/run/apache2/wsgi.10110.0.1.sock' as user with uid=1003.
>> where user 1003 is 'hg', the Linux Kallithea user.
>> Solved by adding
>> socket-user=hg
>> on the WSGIDaemonProcess line in the Apache WSGI configuration and restarting Apache
> This must be when using mod_wsgi. Is it configured pretty much like
> outlined in the Kallithea documentation?
> socket-user seems to be a recent addition, and this is might thus not be
> a general solution.
> What mod_wsgi version and which OS and version are you using?
> To help us review and assess how general this is: What led to this
> solution? Any external references?
> /Mads
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