adding ssh public keys with lf in it

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Mon Sep 28 13:04:22 UTC 2020

On 9/28/20 2:03 AM, Ed Wong wrote:
>> Thanks for the report and patch.
>> Can you clarify exactly which problem you saw? Did you get a "nice"
>> "Incorrect SSH key - failed to decode base64 part" message when adding
>> the key? A correct and correctly shown message ... but not helpful? And
>> you missed the error message and thought the key had been added
>> successfully?
> The key was added successfully without any errors.  When I reload the
> account's ssh keys, it shows the added key.

Ok. I coldn't verify ... but that depends on whether the truncation was 
in a place that didn't make the base64 string invalid.

I implemented more thorough validation of ssh keys and ended up with 
- how does that work for you?


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