Changelog table crashes if it tries to render a commit with an empty message

Brett Smith brett at
Tue Dec 15 15:10:42 UTC 2020

On 12/14/20 5:15 PM, Mads Kiilerich wrote:
> Ouch, yeah, .splitlines() is confusingly different from .split('\n') . 
> Thanks for the patch.
> Would it perhaps be better to just use .split instead of .splitlines()?

Your call but on balance I do think splitlines is better. It splits on 
all kinds of Unicode line separators 
<>, not 
just \n, and I think that's good when you're dealing with very arbitrary 
user text like this.

> But since the commit message text is shown as a link, would it perhaps 
> be even better to avoid the void and show a text like "(No commit 
> message)"?

I think that would be nice. It wasn't in my patch because I wasn't sure 
what all was involved with adding a new message string to the code, but 
if you can make it happen I think it would be worth it.

In general I didn't think my patch was thorough enough to apply directly 
to the code. I sent it just to communicate exactly where I found the bug.


Brett Smith
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