Patch: Add known read-only commands used by hg-evolve

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Tue Feb 18 17:26:27 UTC 2025


Thanks for the patch.

Kallithea moves slowly these days, so i guess it would be a candidate 
for the stable branch and thus has to be vetted thoroughly.

I am not using evolve. To avoid landing it just based on blind trust, 
can you say more about how it has been tested and how others can test it?

What commands / operations will exercise these 3 wire commands (and fail 
without the patch)? That will provide some confidence in correctness and 

Since these 3 wire commands are read only, I assume that all topic 
related writes come as meta data when pushing commits?

This context might be too much to include in the commit message and too 
tricky to set up in an automated test, but a discussion here on mail 
would give confidence.


On 18/02/2025 15:24, Sebastian Krause wrote:
> Hi,
> When cloning or pulling from a repository which uses the evolve extension Kallithea might require write permissions for multiple commands (evoext_obshashrange_v1, _exttopics_heads and tns_heads).
> That attached "hg bundle" fixes that by adding them to the list of known read-only commands.
> Sebastian
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