[legislation-discuss] Proposed RISC-V legislation

Eric Gallager Eric.Gallager at leg.state.nh.us
Wed Oct 18 09:35:52 UTC 2023

Hello, some news about some proposed legislation at the federal level in the US that might be of interest to this list: There has been some recent reporting about members of Congress seeking to put constraints on the free and open development of RISC-V technology: https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-china-tech-war-risc-v-chip-technology-emerges-new-battleground-2023-10-06/
For those of you living in the US, please contact your Congresspeople and urge them to oppose any legislation targeted at restricting RISC-V development that would inhibit the Free Software Community's ability to develop software freely and openly. Alternatively, you can also try submitting comment to the Office of the National Cyber Director, as they have recently been considering executive-branch rulemaking in this area, too. Here is the White House's announcement of their Request For Information: https://www.whitehouse.gov/oncd/briefing-room/2023/08/10/fact-sheet-office-of-the-national-cyber-director-requests-public-comment-on-open-source-software-security-and-memory-safe-programming-languages/
...and here is a direct link to the comment submission form: https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/ONCD-2023-0002-0001
...and here is a link to my own submitted comment (which I made before hearing about the RISC-V news, so it doesn't contain any mention of that): https://www.regulations.gov/comment/ONCD-2023-0002-0015
Thank you for reading, and I hope to have updates about my own local attempts at state-level legislation coming soon, although first I have to get caught up on my other emails...
Eric Gallager

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