[legislation-discuss] Welcome to the legislation-discuss mailing list at sfconservancy dot org!

Eric Gallager Eric.Gallager at leg.state.nh.us
Mon Sep 4 07:28:11 UTC 2023

Hello all, I am Eric Gallager, a state legislator in New Hampshire representing Concord Ward 6 (Merrimack County District 20), and I would like to welcome you all to this new mailing list. I requested that this mailing list be created because the number of people that I was emailing about my FOSS-related legislation was growing to large numbers, so I figured that dedicated mailing list software might be a better way to handle it. This list is intended to be a space for discussing ideas, proposals, and existing examples of legislation designed to promote software freedom in any legislative body at any level of government around the world. I'll send a separate message specifically about what I've been working on here in New Hampshire, but in the meantime welcome, and please invite any other voices that you think might be valuable to include in conversations on the topic of FOSS-related legislation. As far as rules for this mailing list go, I would like for this to be a space where we can put aside our other political differences and focus specifically on software freedom. In other words, I'm hoping to keep this from becoming a general catch-all mailing list for any tech legislation whatsoever, meaning that topics for legislation such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, censorship, etc., probably aren't going to be relevant here, unless they contain a software freedom angle. If in doubt, refer yourself to the Conservancy's mission statement to see if it aligns: https://sfconservancy.org/about/
As for a specific Code of Conduct, I would tend to default to the GNU Kind Communications Guidelines, mostly because it's just the first one that comes to mind: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/kind-communication.en.html However, I am also perfectly open to switching to a different Code of Conduct, if people have a suggestion for a better one that would make a wider range of people feel comfortable participating.
Eric Gallager
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