[legislation-discuss] FOSSY 2024 collaboration opportunity

Eric Gallager Eric.Gallager at leg.state.nh.us
Mon Jul 22 00:31:59 UTC 2024

Hello, I am just writing to let people know that I will be attending FOSSY in a few weeks in Portland Oregon, from August 1-4: https://2024.fossy.us/about/
While I don't have a talk scheduled or anything, I would like to take the opportunity to discuss FOSS-related legislation ideas with anyone who's interested there. Specifically, I'd like to do some markup on NH RSA 21-R: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/I/21-R/21-R-mrg.htm
Some other ideas for FOSS-related legislation I'm interested in returning to:

New Right-to-Repair proposals, including one for bionics: https://spectrum.ieee.org/bionic-right-to-repair
Giving "Right to Inspect Source Code in Court" another try, now with some additional sources, such as: https://kb.osu.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/ccdce761-3689-477b-918a-920a11ca9435/content
Setting up an official "Open Data Policy" for NH: https://github.com/opendata/Open-Data-Policies (RSA 21-R may already count, but I want to be sure)
Relatedly, but slightly differently, setting up an Open Source Program Office for NH: https://github.com/github/github-ospo
Setting up a sovereign tech fund for FOSS like Germany has: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Germany-STF-For-FFmpeg
Including an inspection of automotive software as part of the automobile inspections that the state already requires people to get for their cars

Please let me know if you are interested in connecting! And, a reminder that my legislation ideas repository on GitHub is open for viewing and submission of pull requests: https://github.com/cooljeanius/legislation
Eric Gallager

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