Status on NPO Accounting project: Conservancy seeks a contractor to begin work

Josh Berkus josh at
Mon Aug 26 15:14:07 EDT 2013

> We've been talking internally at Conservancy for about a month for how
> to make the best use of the funds we've raised so far to get started.
> Conservancy has decided that we'd like to hire a contractor for six
> months to get the project going.  This isn't an ideal way to get a Free
> Software project started, but given the funds we have available now,
> this seems the best way to proceed.

On the contrary, I think it's an excellent way to start out.  The
hardest part about new software is getting it over the first hump of
"barely adequate usability" so that it attracts additional contributors
because they're working on it.

Also, a project which shows some progress may attract additional donations.

Finally, if it turns out that one or more existing OSS accounting
packages can be adapted to fiscal sponsor accounting, I might suggest
that 5 months full-time is completely adequate to this adaptation.

Now, to find that developer ...

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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