shared API for double-entry accounting, treating it as a 'math' library. (was Re: Announcing Joar Wandborg joining the project as a Conservancy contractor.)

Wes Cravens wcravens at
Wed Nov 13 20:55:50 EST 2013

On 11/13/2013 7:00 PM, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
> Meanwhile, based on a previous discussion that you and had a while back,
> I was thinking today about your idea of using SQL stored procedures as a
> double-entry accounting engine.

I've been bootstrapping[1] a PostgreSQL 'math engine' extension that
would have a Hypermedia API on top to provide general purpose accounting
not dissimilar to Ledger CLI.  This would include both double entry and
simple counting ledgers.

If anyone is interested in taking this idea seriously and getting
started please reach out and we'll build some momentum together.


1. Read mentally designing, vaguely documenting and architectural tinkering

Wes Cravens, Founding Member
Moxigen - Oxygen for Moxie

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