Strong interest in npo-accounting project

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at
Tue Mar 18 12:03:21 EDT 2014

wangzi wang wrote at 21:20 (EDT) on Monday:

> Here's Ellen, a computer science student from National University of
> Singapore.


> I have strong interest in this project since I am also minor in
> accounting and currently interning at Citibank Asia Pacific.  I am
> sure that I will contribute to this project well with my proficiency.

That's a great connection.  Be sure to mention your accounting
experience in your GSoC application.

> I have read through the code but have some questions. It will be great
> to make an appointment with you on the IRC to have a short discussion
> when you are available before I finalise my proposal.

I'm in IRC on #npoacct most days in US/Eastern time zone.  I get up
rather early, so I'm usually there by 06:30 US/Eastern or so.  I usually
get idle-ish around 18:45 US/Eastern, and go offline fully by 21:00

Feel free to stop by when it suits you and ping me.  My username there
is 'bkuhn'.

You should also read through the other responses that I made to other
students on this list earlier today.

Bradley M. Kuhn, President, Software Freedom Conservancy

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