Regarding the project on tags for postings and transactions:

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at
Tue Mar 18 13:16:43 EDT 2014

[ Resent to put a copy in the archives. ]

pritam varma wrote on Wednesday, 12 March:
> I have gone through the various python files . Basically, from what I
> understand the overall flow is as follows-
> 1. using the request the server.
> 2. Based on the client command the server listens at different places and
> appropriately generates the appropriate json string to be rendered .

That seems right to me.  If this wasn't obvious in the documentation,
perhaps you could submit a patch that clarifies the documentation?

> 3. I have seen the site on http://localhost/client and as far as I can see
> all the features have not been implemented .

Yes, the stuff we have right now is definitely just a proof-of-concept
so far.

> The project asks to implement all the tags . But isn't it true that
> converting from any text format to xml already helps me in getting the
> required JSON output . Also the code for inserting a transaction which
> takes a JSON input can be converted to text . I am not quite clear as
> to what are the goals of the project . Can you please be clear.

The basic idea is simply this: to make it so that the various tagging
information is supported via the API.  How that gets done is open for
discussion.  Of the tasks on our GSoC list, this one is probably going
to require the most knowledge and experience about non-profit accounting
and how a library designed for such a task should work.

We're somewhat in new territory here: no one has ever tried to "segment
off" the API for double-entry accounting separate from the rest of an
application.  This project will probably require some study of how other
accounting packages handle this task, and how to best build an API wall
between the application and storage of meta-data related to double-entry
Bradley M. Kuhn, President, Software Freedom Conservancy

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