shared bank download/reconciliation API

Daniel Pocock daniel at
Mon May 12 15:37:55 EDT 2014

Hi all,

There are many free/open source accounting programs now.  One of the
more tedious things that the developers can't keep up with is the
download APIs of all the different banks around the world.

I came across one piece of middleware that attempts to take on some of
this burden, that is the aqbanking module.  It is used by Gnucash and it
seems to have a German market focus.

Is anybody aware of other middleware for solving this problem?

Can anybody see any demand for taking this further, e.g. making up a
standalone tool that simply mirrors bank statements into a local SQL
schema for use by other free software applications?

Anybody wanting to localize it would only need to do so once and all the
different applications would benefit from it.



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