Survey of existing FLOSS accounting systems (was Re: Revitalization of npoacct project; Brett Smith will take over as project lead)

Sergi Almacellas Abellana sergi at
Fri Aug 26 07:40:09 UTC 2016


El 25/08/16 a les 20:12, Bradley M. Kuhn ha escrit:
> For my part, I spent months
> trying to make OpenERP and/or Tryton to work for fiscal sponsorship and just
> had to give up.

One of the tryton developers here, just to inform that we are open for 
discussion and I will be interested in knowing what problems you have 
faced while implementing tryton.

Also I agree with other members of this list that it will be great if 
you can share what specifics do you need for NPO accounting, so we can 
provide a better guidance in how to implement it in tryton and adapt our 
code base if required.

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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