CiviCRM extension Git repository with base code

Brett Smith brett at
Mon Oct 10 20:43:03 UTC 2016

On 10/10/2016 04:19 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

> On 10/10/2016 12:30 PM, Brett Smith wrote:
>> I know it’s been a little quiet on the list for a while, so I thought it
>> would be good to share a progress update with you as soon as it made
>> sense. And I think now it does: I just published a Git repository with
>> my initial work on a CiviCRM extension for a payment system
>> <>.
> One of the reasons why we originally didn't look at CiviCRM was the
> inability of that platform to handle federation.  Were you able to
> figure out a way around that?


Sorry, I’m not totally sure what kind of federation you’re asking about
in this context. (I’m also a little fuzzy who “we” is here.) Could you
please say a little more? If there are links to past threads or
discussions elsewhere about this, I’m happy to catch up on those.

It’s true that the rough deployment plan, at least for now, means that
in order to install the reimbursement system, you have to install
CiviCRM. Several interested organizations are already using it, though.
For them, building this as an extension actually lowers the cost to
start using it. They don’t have to figure out how to deploy a completely
new system, configure the rest of the system to support it (public
httpd, firewall rules), and so on.


Brett Smith
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