Reimbursinator work beginning, by a group of students at PSU.

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at
Tue Dec 4 15:58:50 UTC 2018

I'm pleased to report to all of you that we have a group of students working
on a new software system to aid in navigating Conservancy's travel policy:

These students are working as part of Portland State University's Capstone
seminar course, run by Bart Massey (whom some of you may know for his work
generally in the Free Software community).  The students will spend two
quarters developing an online system to easy the burden of submitting
reimbursement requests by prompting the user for the right pieces at the
right times, and allowing the user to save and come back to a travel
reimbursement request as part of an online submissions system.

I've invited the students to join this mailing list and interact with you,
since you all are the key users of the system.  Please be nice to them;
they're doing free as in price *and* free as in freedom software development
work for us to make our lives easier. ;)

Logan Miller is their team lead and is on this list.
Bradley M. Kuhn
Distinguished Technologist of Software Freedom Conservancy
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