Publishing exploits in retaliation to GPL violators?

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at
Tue Jan 2 16:46:11 UTC 2018

While I understand and empathize with Jon Sawyer's frustrations with a
intransigent GPL violator as described here: ...

... my initial reaction was that this doesn't fit the Principles of
Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement.  What do others think?

I also wonder if "publishing a code exploit as retaliation to
non-responsiveness from a violator" is merely a special case of
"Confidentiality can increase receptiveness and responsiveness."?

Do folks think this issue should be mentioned explicitly in the Principles,
or is it rare enough that it can be assumed to be included by implication of
the existing Principles text?
Bradley M. Kuhn
Distinguished Technologist of Software Freedom Conservancy
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