Policy Fellow to speak on FTC roundtable about "Creative Economy and Generative AI"

Software Freedom Conservancy info at sfconservancy.org
Wed Oct 4 16:03:03 UTC 2023

    Policy Fellow to speak on FTC roundtable about "Creative Economy and
                              Generative AI"

URL: https://sfconservancy.org/news/2023/oct/04/ftc-ai-panel/

Social media: https://social.sfconservancy.org/notice/AaQniCHDCGkvqbr5ZA

Software Freedom Conservancy's Policy Fellow Bradley M. Kuhn, will
participate the FTC's roundtable discussion about the “Creative Economy
and Generative AI”. Bradley will represent the FOSS and technology
communities on this panel, where he'll join artists, union activists,
and other policy makers to discuss the pressing issue of how machine
learning impacts the rights and livelihoods of artists, technologists
and others. We thank the FTC for putting the issues of software freedom
and rights front and center in this important mainstream issue.

Given the increasing prevalence of machine learning technologies, SFC
applauds the FTC's efforts to convene creatives, technologists and
forward thinking policy makers concerned by the lack of regulation and
oversight around deployment of machine learning platforms. There has
been significant conversations and coverage representing the large
corporate interests surrounding AI technologies, but we hope this panel
highlights the needs and concerns of the labor force and general public
surrounding these issues. This panel lifts voices affected by the
overreach of corporations seeking to profit off of the labor existing

SFC has written and spoken previously on the concerns around AI by
creating a committee to examine AI assisted software creation [0],
Executive Director Karen Sandler keynoted a conference about AI Law and
Ethics [1], hosted a track [2] at the first annual FOSSY conference, and
Policy Fellow Bradley M. Kuhn has written about the licensing and
ethical concerns around GitHub's CoPilot [3].

You can watch the livestream [4] of the discussion at 19:00 UTC today —
Wednesday 4 October 2023, and find more information about the panel on
the FTC's events page [5].

[0] https://sfconservancy.org/news/2022/feb/23/committee-ai-assisted-software-github-copilot/
[1] https://sfconservancy.org/news/2021/mar/23/karen-lailec-2021/
[2] https://2023.fossy.us/pages/tracks/#ai-data
[3] https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2022/feb/03/github-copilot-copyleft-gpl/
[4] https://kvgo.com/ftc/Creative-Economy-and-Generative-AI-October-4-2023
[5] https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/events/2023/10/creative-economy-generative-ai

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