[FOSSY-attendees] Complete Corresponding Summary of day 2 - TGIF Edition

FOSSY Organizers conference at sfconservancy.org
Sat Aug 3 04:02:42 UTC 2024

TGIF; We're halfway through!

Huge shoutout to Open Signal and all the free software they used to
recover from the AV situation today. They rely upon a suite of FOSS
(some of which they were inspired to use after last year's FOSSY) and
that's what enabled them to get back on schedule after 15 minutes during
the small outage today. Cheers to them, and thanks everyone for your

Registration will be open tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 8:45am.
Breakfast will be available in the Ballroom at 9:15am, and the keynote
will begin in the same room at 9:45am.

In the keynote, Denver Gingerich will lead a lively panel conversation
addressing one of the topics that were requested by you, the community,
in our new process where we invited topic proposals. The  will explore
topics related to so-called AI that are relevant to FOSS. On the panel
will be Allison Randal, Joey Hess, julia ferraioli, and Kat Walsh. You
won't want to miss this discussion of one of the most important issues
facing free software today.

Saturday's tracks du jour are as follows:

Wild Card has a great selection of talks covering a variety of topics.
Science of Community continues for their second day of thinking
systematically about communities. FOSS in Daily Life will discuss how to
use Free Software in our day to day lives. FOSS For Education has
another full day of bringing FOSS to teachers and students. BoFs and
Discussion groups will happen in 333 both Saturday and Sunday -- check
the whiteboard near the registration desk for what's happening or to add
your own session!


Don't forget to follow @conservancy at social.sfconservancy.org for updates
during the conference, and share your own media and thoughts with

Tomorrow the Portland State University Farmer's Market is happening from
8:30-2pm right outside the back of the building. This also means parking
might be more difficult if you are driving in. Definitely scope it
before the opening keynote or pop down for lunch. 

A few other logistics notes:
  * There are gender neutral bathrooms on the 4th floor and single stall
    gender neutral bathrooms in the basement (accessible by stairs and
  * You can find any lost and found items at the registration desk.
  * Make sure to enter the building on the Broadway side (east side of
    the building). You can exit out of any of the doors, but only the
    "front" entrance will be open each day.
  * Just a reminder, that if you ask a question during the keynote or
  * a talk, you might be on video. So be mindful if you are trying to avoid
  * being recorded (even if you are wearing a red lanyard).

Weekend edition commence!
-FOSSY Organizing Team

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