Code review and coverage marks

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Sun Aug 3 12:23:17 EDT 2014

On 08/03/2014 06:09 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> Hi,
> First impressions on the project.
> The interface looks cluttered and geeky.

It is. We hope someone with skills in that area will improve it. A first 
step will be when licensing has been worked out and we can use Sean's 
FontAwesome work as seen on .

> Also bad that Mailman
> doesn't have forum interface like Google Groups to subscribe to
> individual threads. Anyway..

Well ... it _is_ a mailing list. People who try to use mailing lists as 
if they were forums often turn it into the lowest(!) common denominator.

> Is there a capability in Kallithea to store personal labels attached
> to source code lines, such as code coverage marks and review
> coverage with comments? Basically I need to label reviewed lines
> in some product as I do security research, so that I knew that
> these lines there reviewed by me (or smb. else) at a certain date.
> Is that possible with Kallithea?

No. How should that work when files are changed?

Comments in a pull request could perhaps be an approximation of what you 
are asking for.


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