Code review and coverage marks

Sean Farley sean.michael.farley at
Mon Aug 4 17:56:46 EDT 2014

anatoly techtonik writes:

> On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at> wrote:
>> On 08/03/2014 06:09 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> First impressions on the project.
>>> The interface looks cluttered and geeky.
>> It is. We hope someone with skills in that area will improve it. A first
>> step will be when licensing has been worked out and we can use Sean's
>> FontAwesome work as seen on .
> I am not sure that going to monotone theme is a right way. It looks less
> cluttered, but boring. What will help is a bit of statistics - which features
> from interface are used more often.

Getting rid of the png files is the first step. I would say the next
step would be removing all the style="..." sprinkled throughout the
code. That would then allow someone to start working on the ability to
add themes.

>>> Also bad that Mailman
>>> doesn't have forum interface like Google Groups to subscribe to
>>> individual threads. Anyway..
>> Well ... it _is_ a mailing list. People who try to use mailing lists as if
>> they were forums often turn it into the lowest(!) common denominator.
> It is inconvenient anyway, and the point is that Mailman lists seem
> to lose (a lot of?) feedback from newer generation.

My idea would be to take the best of both worlds: have an issue tracker
/ pull request model such that commenting would be mirrored on the
mailing list (and replies would be threaded). This would allow people
like me to not leave their email client but also people like you to use
the web interface to reply.

This would hopefully allow new people to issue a pull request via the
web but reviewers to respond with the email clients. Also, vice versa:
mailing a patchbomb would initiate a pull request just like the web
client would.

This is still just a pipe dream, though. No work has been done on this idea. 

>>> Is there a capability in Kallithea to store personal labels attached
>>> to source code lines, such as code coverage marks and review
>>> coverage with comments? Basically I need to label reviewed lines
>>> in some product as I do security research, so that I knew that
>>> these lines there reviewed by me (or smb. else) at a certain date.
>>> Is that possible with Kallithea?
>> No. How should that work when files are changed?
> Yes. Labels should be attached to source code lines, the same way
> annotate does.
>> Comments in a pull request could perhaps be an approximation of what you are
>> asking for.
> No, it is not enough. Although I'd be interested to know Kallithea strategy
> on handling them, especially old comments on updated code.

I would almost assuredly use the evolution / obsolete features of
mercurial to always have the changesets for archiving / referencing

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