discussion on issue #77 (review icon position for in-line code comments)

Sean Farley sean.michael.farley at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 20:41:46 EST 2015

Mads Kiilerich writes:

> On 01/25/2015 11:08 PM, Sean Farley wrote:
>> Thomas De Schampheleire writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> This mail thread is a continued discussion of issue #77
>>> (in-line review icon/button should also appear when hovering over the
>>> line number) [1]
>>> The problem statement: if I place my mouse at the location where the
>>> review icon normally appears, I expect it to appear.
>>> Currently, this is not the case, as the icon is outside of the area
>>> that triggers the icon to appear.
>>> My requirement is thus:
>>> a. the area containing the icon should be a hotspot that causes the
>>> icon to appear.
>>> Mads already hinted on some other requirements:
>>> b. we don't want the icon to overlap with the code
>>> c. the clickable area should be larger than the icon itself to make it
>>> more easy to hit it.
>>> d. we don't want to reserve additional dedicated space
>>> e. we want to be able to link to a given code line
>>> Your proposals are very welcome.
>> I was thinking we should place the icon's center on the line that
>> divides the line number from the code, a la github's look. That would
>> not require too much extra space and would work as "expected".
> I think I would support a patch that makes improvements i the mentined 
> directions while keeping the mentioned other requirements in mind.

Ok, it sounds like we're all on board with moving in a direction. I
would suggest after the next release (can we say we're in a freeze now?)

> I also think it is odd that both Bitbucket, Github and Kallithea shows 
> the line numbers for each line in a diff. It is usually worthless 
> information when reviewing through the web. If using the actual source 
> for reference and reviewing locally, the line number of the chunk is 
> more releant than the line number of every line in the diff. I thus 
> think we could make an even better solution if we didn't use horizontal 
> space for both showing line numbers for every line and also leaving 
> space for 'add comment' and 'link to this line' (and in the future 
> perhaps also for annotate information). Perhaps by overlaying the latter 
> on top of the first when hovering over a line.

Ok, this paragraph lost me. I'm guessing you agree to "have a way to
link to a hunk" but posit that "the line number might not make sense
(especially on the web)"?

Why wouldn't the line numbers in the first column not match with the
line numbers in the previous version of the file? Same for the second
column and the diff'ed version of the file?

I'm all for displaying more information (like you mention with annotate)
ESPECIALLY for a way to click back through history for that given hunk /
section of a file. That's getting off-topic for this discussion, though.

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