save multiple comments at once

Jan Heylen heyleke at
Tue Mar 17 15:36:11 EDT 2015

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 7:35 PM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at> wrote:
> On 01/26/2015 06:37 PM, Jan Heylen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been working on a change that a user would allow to open multiple
>> comments on a commit, and 'post' (save) them all at once to the
>> kallithea database. Currently this is client side only change, but
>> with the proper changes on the server side end, this could result in a
>> one-mail-per-commit-review instead of a one-mail-per-comment setup
>> now.
>> But the main reason I was working on this is the fact that if you add
>> 2 or more comments to a commit, and you choose to save them as preview
>> first (you are still reviewing the rest of the commit), you have to go
>> over all the comments and press the save button.
>> Where I want to take this is even one step further:
>> We have now:
>>    For inline comments:  save - cancel - preview
>>    And below the commit: approved/rejected/close/... and comment - preview
>> I would change this to:
>>    For inline comments: comment - cancel
>>    Below the commit: submit all comments - cancel all
> I think it could be annoying if we don't have a comment/save/submit button
> next to the inline comment. But I guess the text on the button should change
> to something with "all comments".

I've been working on this some more and as I see it now (almost the
same as above, but a bit more explanation):

For inline comments you'll have 2 buttons: save - cancel
Below the general comment field you'll have the "submit all comments"
and the "cancel all" button

So the save button would store the comment as draft (on the server),
and the "submit all comments" will change all those drafts into
comments and send out the notification.

I would leave out the 'direct' comment button from the inline-comments
as I think we should encourage a workflow where users review at least
whole the changeset before committing comments, instead of submitting
each comment separately. Even better would be to be able to do this
for the whole pull request at once (save draft comments on all
changesets, and then submit all comments at once).



>> The inline 'comment' buttons would actually do what is now a preview
>> (and may still indicate comment preview), cancel remains the same.
>> The 'submit all comments' would do an AJAXPost of all the comments (no
>> backend change required) at once.
> I don't see the point in rst/md markup of comments. People should comment on
> content, not spend time making it look fancy. We only saw people being
> annoyed by their code snippets being obfuscated by the markup processing. We
> use
> and do thus not really have any need for preview. We could perhaps move in
> that direction here upstream and avoid the problem you mention.
>> What do you think?
> +1 to the general idea and your thoughts.
> Also, we should introduce a "don't navigate away from this page with pending
> comments" before we encourage users to not commit immediately.
>> I've made a little POC patch that does the submit-all-open-comments
>> thing, it does it for open comments for know, but probably not that
>> difficult (and even better, it won't require the remove-class hack
>> probably) to change that to a for all preview comments way of working.
>> I'll inline the POC patch for your reference, but forgive me my basic
>> javascript knowledge...
>> regards,
>> Jan
>> the patch:
>> diff -r bfc304687f1c kallithea/public/js/base.js
>> --- a/kallithea/public/js/base.js Wed Jan 21 17:35:11 2015 +0100
>> +++ b/kallithea/public/js/base.js Mon Jan 26 18:36:00 2015 +0100
>> @@ -667,6 +667,9 @@
>>       $form.submit(function(e){
>>           e.preventDefault();
>> +        if(!$tr.hasClass('form-open')){
>> +          return;
>> +        }
>>           if(lineno === undefined){
>>               alert('Error submitting, line ' + lineno + ' not found.');
>>               return;
>> @@ -694,6 +697,10 @@
>>                   'line': lineno
>>           };
>>           ajaxPOST(submit_url, postData, success);
>> +        //proof of concept, preemptive remove the form from the open
>> list, not good, but only for POC
>> +        $tr.removeClass('form-open');
>> +        var allOpenForms = $( '.form-open' ).next();
>> +        allOpenForms.find( ".inline-form" ).submit();
>>       });
>>       $('#preview-btn_'+lineno).click(function(e){
> It is not obvious to me what is going on with this form-open. Or ... you are
> recursing and using this to make sure it terminates?
> I would guess you could use something like
> $('code-difftable form').each(function(){$(this).submit();});
> or perhaps even
> $('code-difftable form').submit();
> But in the next step you will submit multiple comments in the same api call.
> That means you either have to do it with javascript or change the whole diff
> to be one form. This PoC might thus not be step towards a real solution.
> /Mads

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